You have just entered room "IWWF Chat."
Tuxedo Mintzs has entered the room.
HBK7535887 has entered the room.
ComFactor has entered the room.
g0tr00ts has entered the room.
InvisibleCoder has entered the room.
Netto Cash: :D
fing0rz has entered the room.
ComFactor: yes?
Tuxedo Mintzs: ComFactor
Netto Cash: sup
fing0rz: wtf mate
Tuxedo Mintzs: COMATOSIS
g0tr00ts: how gay does it get :/
InvisibleCoder: ...
g0tr00ts: /me is RoadRunner
ComFactor: its gay when im here )
Netto Cash: lol
ComFactor: is don here?
Tuxedo Mintzs: <-- Mintzs of course
Tuxedo Mintzs: no
fing0rz: <- binary
Netto Cash: :D
ComFactor: k
Netto Cash: <-- Tony McTier
Tuxedo Mintzs: wow
Tuxedo Mintzs: Binary
ComFactor: dunno binary or roadrunner
Tuxedo Mintzs: haven't seen you in ages
Netto Cash: :>
ComFactor: although Binary vs. Segment would be a sweet match
fing0rz: justin wru
ComFactor: which is my new wrestling name perm
Tuxedo Mintzs: get justin in here :D
ComFactor: i have a flu :-X
Netto Cash: Justin uses aim?
Tuxedo Mintzs: i dunno
fing0rz: he uses msn
ComFactor: imagine...
Netto Cash: :>
Tuxedo Mintzs: John Lennon
ComFactor: Binary vs. Segment in a never seen before match in iWWF, the Matricage!
ComFactor: :-P
Netto Cash: - CCD Logs are funny :>
ComFactor: ccd?
Netto Cash: Crazy Cross Dresser
ComFactor: ugh hes a gay?
fing0rz: lmao
Netto Cash: It's Bret-Hart
ComFactor: theres only room for one gay and itsme!
fing0rz: the ccd's were hardcore
ComFactor: :P)
Netto Cash: :>
Netto Cash: yep
ComFactor: :>
Netto Cash: should get Dustin to do another "old schooling it with ccd"
nwa tna has entered the room.
nwa tna: what up fnw
Zengeance65 has entered the room.
Zengeance65: you asshole
: *applies Segfault to binary as binary taps out* - Segment then climbs the cage and escapes
fing0rz: read that shit
ComFactor: i could return
ComFactor: and shock the world
Tuxedo Mintzs: Sup Dustin
fing0rz: funniest thread ever
Netto Cash: lol
Zengeance65: i'm watching past wwe PPVs
: and you invite me to this shit ;)
: sup fatty
ComFactor: Zengeance!
Tuxedo Mintzs: not even a sup for me?
Netto Cash: Dustin... unblock me :>
ComFactor: its me coma!
ComFactor: jehjejejejejjeeje
Zengeance65: hi mintzs
: er heheheee
Zengeance65: his coma
: hi
Tuxedo Mintzs
: <3 Dustin
ComFactor: hi
ComFactor: his coma, my birth
ComFactor: :-)
Tuxedo Mintzs: HBK = Who?
fing0rz: i said SUP FATTY
Netto Cash: HBK = JHB
g0tr00ts has left the room.
Zengeance65: Tom, stop acting cool in a chatroom
: it's not working anymore
: sorry :-(
Tuxedo Mintzs: Heh
Zengeance65: that was sooooo 4 years ago
: omg
ComFactor: imagine this
fing0rz: you lose weight?
Zengeance65: and dude
: I seen that ceciliantes thing a while ago
Tuxedo Mintzs
: Who's Invisible Coder
Zengeance65: it's awesome
: Segment vs. Binary vs. Zengeance at the next IWWF ppv when i return
ComFactor: imagine it
ComFactor: :-))
Zengeance65: I can't imagine it
Netto Cash
: Cyrus!!!
Netto Cash: sup
HBK7535887: who is comfactor
: i saw that cecil shit from the beginning
ComFactor: Comatosis
ComFactor: now known as Segment
Netto Cash: he use to Iwrestle in iwwf
ComFactor: before niggas ddosed me
Zengeance65: Oh yeah, you showed me it
nwa tna
: suuuuup
fing0rz: is iwwf still around?
Zengeance65: i-loser
Netto Cash
: Don wants him back and he wont go :|
ComFactor: i wont come back til it stops :P
ComFactor: netto i dont wanna come back tho
Netto Cash: yeah, iwwf is still around
ComFactor: im happy being alone
Tuxedo Mintzs: man
Netto Cash: old school style
Zengeance65: i'm watching the hbk vs ramon ladder match at WM10
Tuxedo Mintzs
: i think everyone here that's not currently in iwwf should be
ComFactor: good match too
nwa tna: what about me
Zengeance65: wow HBK's ass!
: zen likes his ass!
Zengeance65: gross
Netto Cash
: Adam, Ghrimm, and Marley returned
ComFactor: omg
Tuxedo Mintzs: sure, you come too
nwa tna: im in iwwf, but in actually not
ComFactor: oh ok
fing0rz: that would mean having to go download irc
nwa tna: i just idle there
ComFactor: lol
Zengeance65: fing0rz: yeah.
nwa tna
: :P
ComFactor: i wont return to iwwf
Netto Cash: use Java Chat
ComFactor: sorry to burst ur ddos bubbles
ComFactor: :/
Netto Cash: - Java Chat
Tuxedo Mintzs: awww
ComFactor: i like my life alone where fuckheads cant do shit
Tuxedo Mintzs: come on Com
Tuxedo Mintzs: >:|
fing0rz: iwwf was soooo cool back in the day
Tuxedo Mintzs: man
Tuxedo Mintzs: you're a fag
fing0rz: pre-all you guys
Tuxedo Mintzs: yeah
ComFactor: you're a jew
Tuxedo Mintzs: i know
fing0rz: back when the box sucked
Tuxedo Mintzs: before me
Zengeance65: yeah really.
: bot*
Netto Cash: lol
Zengeance65: I don't know about sooooo cool
: if it woulda stayed the same people
: sith was [l]ord-[s]ith
Zengeance65: it'd just be a chat channel
: fuck refbot that's so lame
: refbot is boring now
fing0rz: refbot was boring the first month after i played it
Netto Cash: lol @ sith having a malay-looking nick
ComFactor: shame i stopped my bot i was doing, it would kick ass
ComFactor: it would of replaced refbot heh
Zengeance65: yes, what a shame
: ;)
ComFactor: but i gave up :-)
Tuxedo Mintzs: yeah
Tuxedo Mintzs: what a shame
ComFactor: working 11hrs a day
Tuxedo Mintzs: </sarcasm>
fing0rz: everquest took me away from iwwf
ComFactor: no time for iwrestling now
Zengeance65: tom, stfu you faggot
: now i play WoW
Zengeance65: Everquest, blah blah blah
: that game freakin owns
ComFactor: Everquack
Zengeance65: No it doesn't freakin own
Zengeance65: what freakin owns
: is this wwe shit i bought
: for 3.96/month
: wwe is gay
HBK7535887: I play WoW
: wwf is gay
HBK7535887: I'm a 32 warlock
: and i get wrestling PPVs
: on pvp
: what server?
Netto Cash: lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: man
fing0rz: im a 31 priest
Tuxedo Mintzs: fuck
HBK7535887: bonegnawer
: or something
Tuxedo Mintzs
: im in a ventrilo server
Tuxedo Mintzs: with americans
HBK7535887: Something with bone that was low population
: im on something iwth a C
HBK7535887: I forget since it's not like EQ where I have to choose the server name
Tuxedo Mintzs
: and i want my mum and dad to get the fuck out of bed
nwa tna: i am a 31337 hAXx0r in WOW
Tuxedo Mintzs: and get to work
HBK7535887: pvp or carebear?
Tuxedo Mintzs
: so i can talk in a higher voice
nwa tna: i would play WOW
Tuxedo Mintzs: so i can at least communicate
fing0rz: carebear
Zengeance65: who the fuck is nwa tna?
: lol
nwa tna
: but i would ruin it
nwa tna: like i ruined diablo 2
ComFactor: oh well
Netto Cash: nwa tna = Cyrus from #wwe
Tuxedo Mintzs: wait
Tuxedo Mintzs: if that's cyrus
nwa tna: i was in with the original group who exploited the shit out of the dupe bug
Tuxedo Mintzs: then who's "Invisible Coder"
ComFactor: sorry to spoil you're fun kids but I have work in 7hrs, night
Netto Cash: DETNEMED
Zengeance65: who the fuck?
Tuxedo Mintzs
: ahhh
Tuxedo Mintzs: Det
Zengeance65: are all these people?
: this isn't iwwf chat
nwa tna
: <-- god
ComFactor: bye guys
Netto Cash: :>
Zengeance65: bye comatosis
Netto Cash
: later daniel
fing0rz: ya fuck this place
ComFactor: it's segment f00
HBK7535887: lol
: dude
: :-)
fing0rz: i dont even like you guys
HBK7535887: are you horde or alliance
: alliance
Netto Cash: lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: everyong
Tuxedo Mintzs: iwwf
Tuxedo Mintzs: dalnet
Tuxedo Mintzs: get there now
HBK7535887: me too im human
: Fuck IWWD
Tuxedo Mintzs
: Yeha
ComFactor: fuck dalnet/iwrestling/all feds too
HBK7535887: Donald screwed me out of the title
: im gonna try to get into afterlife
Tuxedo Mintzs: Fuck IWWD
Zengeance65: if you ask me to join iwwf again
: work owns wrestling
Zengeance65: i'm leaving here
: afterlife owns
Tuxedo Mintzs
: join iwwf plzkthx
HBK7535887: I was in Legacy of Steel
: in EQ
Netto Cash
: DALnet shutdown the porn channels :-(
fing0rz: WTF THEY DID?
nwa tna: what about the kiddie
Zengeance65: ONE MORE TIME
: netto undernet has em all
Zengeance65: lol
Netto Cash
: yea
ComFactor: :-)
fing0rz: thats gay
nwa tna: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#dogsex
Tuxedo Mintzs: JOIN PLZ
fing0rz: dalnet killed dalnet
nwa tna: lol
Netto Cash: yep
Netto Cash: :-(
Tuxedo Mintzs: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#preteensexporndoggy
ComFactor: !!!!!!!!!!!!!#dalnetundernetsexkiddieporndoghotdogbunswithcum
fing0rz: but ya im a human priest
ComFactor: lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: lol
fing0rz: i was gonna go play but i got this chat invite
Netto Cash: hacked creditcards, warez, and now porn channels
HBK7535887: DUDE
: I was playing
: go to
HBK7535887: and then you faggots
: sent me the invite
: and buy the ppv thing
: and it minimized by game
: zen spammer!
ComFactor: :-)
Zengeance65: for $3.95/mo
Netto Cash
: lol
Zengeance65: it's awesome
: ya i would have been pissed
nwa tna: im going to perv up some porn on xnews
Netto Cash: Enable "disable popups" while away
HBK7535887: zenge: I bought it
: might miss some cool IM's tho
Netto Cash: lol
ComFactor: my goal is to archive EVERY PORN MOVIE IN HISTORY
Netto Cash: true
nwa tna: like this one
ComFactor: yes even illegal lol
fing0rz: like some girl asking me to come over and fuck her
ComFactor: call it Pornonet
ComFactor: j/k
ComFactor: im drugged :-X
Netto Cash: aha
fing0rz: at which point i would be like no, im playing wow
Zengeance65: HBK: it's awesome, and who are you?
: HBK is HBK
HBK7535887: J
: H
: B
: 21 time IWWF champion
: lol
: That shit is lame
: it's not that cool dude
: ugh HBK the Jobmaster :-)
Zengeance65: but glad to see you
: you actually kept track of how many times you won..
Zengeance65: shutup tom
: let it go
: Actually
: wtf
Zengeance65: he'll start talkinga bout it again
: My fanboy
: Tony
: told me
: hes th eone that needs to let it go
Zengeance65: you're talking about it with him!
Netto Cash: lol
fing0rz: remeber when you expilted justins bot
fing0rz: and got to #1
Zengeance65: HBK: iwwf is not real ;)
: me?
: ya
HBK7535887: I always did
: exploited*
: you would con newbies into fighitng you and just kick their ass
HBK7535887: lol
: and ai-bot was gonna beat you
fing0rz: but justin fucked him over
HBK7535887: I remember I got lanners to job to me
: yeah it's funny </sarcasm>
: i remmeber setting matches
: im like elana I need to defend the IWWF title
: when people were away
: ai-bot was the greatest thing in iwwf
ComFactor has left the room.
ComFactor has entered the room.
ComFactor: yay some fag is ddosing me
ComFactor: good thing my fw logs
nwa tna: shen isnt on
ComFactor: i know who it is too ;-)
ComFactor: /me looks at nettocash
fing0rz: jobbing to someone in an online wrestling game = pretty lame
Netto Cash: lol
Netto Cash: AI Bot is back
Netto Cash: Donald made one
fing0rz: mine was the best tho
ComFactor: i find it funny he joins my chan and i get knocked off
fing0rz: cuz it was the first
Netto Cash: true
Netto Cash: Com Factor: You're paranoid.
HBK7535887: I remember at wrestlemania
: we had
: ai-bot
: vs that other bot
: oh ya
fing0rz: siths bot
Netto Cash: iWWF aka Auto Wrestle
nwa tna: im going to buy motley crue tickets with my tax return
fing0rz: i remember i lead a PPV and justin akicked me
HBK7535887: I rememebr that i told him to akick you I think
: cuz i got to many people in the chan
Netto Cash: I remember that, I made some gayass anti-justin site
Zengeance65: Motley Who?
: i had a record number of people in the chan for that
Zengeance65: motley crue diss
: no one could match the dick sucking I did for justin
: and he akicked me
Zengeance65: oh shit dawg.
: ya dude you were on your knees 24/7
Zengeance65: I remember not being an sop
: cuz i wasn't a bitchass
: but other people got it
: and I used to whine, lol
Netto Cash
: IWWF Comic > *
ComFactor: so what
Zengeance65: and i remember when i used to feel bad about myself, i'd join iwwf and look at JHB playing 300 matches/day
: but
Zengeance65: and i felt better
: lets face it
fing0rz: beest thing ever
Zengeance65: lol j/k about feeling bad about myself.
: iwwf comic
Zengeance65: truly.
: iwwf comic was great.
Netto Cash
: yep
fing0rz: everyone elses pics
HBK7535887: dude
Tuxedo Mintzs
HBK7535887: what happened to evil jared hasselhoff
Tuxedo Mintzs
: DX Soccerball
Netto Cash: He went to ICWW then left IRC when ICWW CLOSED!
fing0rz: best quote
Netto Cash: new nickname: ironzie
Netto Cash: ironize*
fing0rz: "because chicks dig abonormally brighr foreheads and receiting hair lines"
Zengeance65: lol
: heh
: That's my refbot picture
Netto Cash
: heh
HBK7535887: fire storm was such a faggot dude
: cuz everybody said "Refbot is such a jew"
Netto Cash
: still is
Zengeance65: and i made a jewish refbot
: lmfao
: that was the best ever
Netto Cash
: lmao
HBK7535887: oh shit tom
: that one still makes me laugh
HBK7535887: do you remember when you jobbed 30 times to justin
: so he could take my #1
: and I busted it to the whole chat
: lmao ya
Zengeance65: lol mick is the shit.
: and then i started to paste the logs from it
fing0rz: and justin cried and reset teh bot
fing0rz: man, good times
HBK7535887: who is that girl
: on the bed
: my sister
HBK7535887: where did justin go
: why did he quit
: want some naked ones?
Zengeance65: /me breaks fing0rz in half with the Zenlightener
: he still goes on msn i think
fing0rz: i sent him a msg the one day
fing0rz: he was like hi
Zengeance65: yeah he does.
: and never said anythng else
Zengeance65: He's a fucking moron
: so i was like screw you bitch
Zengeance65: i talked to him
: whats his MSN name
: I want to talk to him
: i don't remember, i deleted it.
: mick would know
Netto Cash
: I think
Zengeance65: mick talks to him periodically
: that sounds about right
HBK7535887: alright I gotta do this essay due tommorrow
: before I flunk out of college
: i droped out
HBK7535887: too much WoW
: i work in a casino now
Netto Cash: cool
HBK7535887: where
has entered the room.
fing0rz: makign more then my brothers do that went to collect
Zengeance65: OH SNAP DAWG
: college...
Zengeance65: OH SNAP
Netto Cash
: DX316 :>
DaemonX316: yo
HBK7535887: tony is such a fanboy
Netto Cash
: sup
fing0rz: im gonna go play wow
fing0rz: was fun kids
HBK7535887: heh
: kidz0r
: we should do this again
HBK7535887: tom
: later man
HBK7535887: where do you work
: who has smackdown vs raw?
: casino
Zengeance65: :-D
HBK7535887: but where
: donde esta
: in new york
HBK7535887: dude
: fing0rz: fker. leaving when i show up :<
HBK7535887: im in new york
: where in new york
: buffalo
Netto Cash: :|
HBK7535887: cuz my friend just got this job
: dealing
: daemonx316: sorry babe
fing0rz: where?
HBK7535887: for like 40 bucks an hour
: 72nd street in the city
: i live in zoo york with ashton kutcher
: ah
HBK7535887: doesnt tony live in the city
: its such an easy fuckin job
HBK7535887: tony where do you live
: I know
: and you get tips
Netto Cash
: I live in Georgia
HBK7535887: ...
Netto Cash
: small town
HBK7535887: ?
: k later
HBK7535887: where is that
Netto Cash
: Augusta
HBK7535887: k later
: ?
: send me an im if you wanna talk
HBK7535887: kkk
Netto Cash
: South of US
fing0rz has left the room.
HBK7535887: no you dont wtf
: ok I really need to do work kiddies
: fing0rz would rather cyber in private IM
: Get me my IWWF title pzl
Netto Cash
: lol
Zengeance65: stfu josh
: don't be lame
: lol
: I said that for you
: :-P
Zengeance65: i assumed
Netto Cash
: :>
HBK7535887: Have a happy jewish night everyone
: alright. hbk = shen? comfactor = ?
HBK7535887 has left the room.
Tuxedo Mintzs: hbk = jhb
Netto Cash: HBK = JHB
Tuxedo Mintzs: comfactor = comatosis
Netto Cash: ComFactor = Comatosis
DaemonX316: aha. got that from his last post, lol
Zengeance65: you should've known
: lmao, told you
Netto Cash
: heh
Zengeance65: "iwwf title, blah blah blah"
: "iwwf title, etc.. blah"
Netto Cash
: He got beat by a malay twice
Zengeance65: now my only question
: who is Tuxedo mintzs? is that jynxd?
: lol j/k
Netto Cash
: No
Tuxedo Mintzs: cheeky bastard
Netto Cash: - pic of mintzs
Zengeance65: ok i'm going to back to watching wrestling ppvs
: for $3.95/month
Netto Cash
: k
Zengeance65: on
Tuxedo Mintzs
: man
Netto Cash: later
Tuxedo Mintzs: i look wasted on those photos
Netto Cash: unblock me fool :>
Zengeance65: this month's match set: HBK's star matches
: if you wanna talk sometime, add me on ur buddy list
: peace
Netto Cash
: cool.
Zengeance65 has left the room.
Netto Cash: EFnet Sucks, everyone left this room so I /hop'd and got access
Netto Cash: I set invite :P
Tuxedo Mintzs: nice
Netto Cash: want in?
Netto Cash: #ewr on EFnet
Tuxedo Mintzs: ;p
ComFactor: no you fucking ddosed
Netto Cash: I didn't
Netto Cash: I swear
ComFactor: andi just beeped eMP
ComFactor: foonet god
Netto Cash: You're paranoid.
ComFactor: oh suck it blockd
ComFactor: infact, most of iwwf is now on black list
ComFactor: only way youll affect me is if u visit my house
ComFactor: i did my part, i was fucking nice
ComFactor: but no
ComFactor: you go back to your old way
Netto Cash: I swear, I didn't ddos anyone
ComFactor: yeah and im michael jackson
ComFactor: oh well, thank god fuckheads dont exist in real life
ComFactor: im happy you cant do shit in rl :-)
ComFactor: since id own
ComFactor: i know latin kings gang and all
ComFactor: so be a good little boy and get out of #ewr
Tuxedo Mintzs: wow
Tuxedo Mintzs: latin king gangs
Netto Cash: lol.
Tuxedo Mintzs: what use are they out of america
ComFactor: Latin Kings is a popular gang in Shirley, NY who the members are former Bloods
Tuxedo Mintzs: Wow
ComFactor: :-)
Netto Cash: You're paranoid.
Tuxedo Mintzs: "New Yawk"
ComFactor: oh shut it jap
ComFactor: lol
ComFactor: oh well carry on with your lame fed
ComFactor: you could of had me back
ComFactor: but fter that , not anymore
ComFactor: tell don to stop picking scrubs off a sidewalk and hire mature ops
Netto Cash: I'm not even a ops, smartass.
Netto Cash: and I didn't fucking ddos you
Netto Cash: so stfu
ComFactor: yeah ok
ComFactor: i find it funny
ComFactor: you join the chan
ComFactor: me and my friend both ping out
ComFactor: you hop and get ops
ComFactor: so obvious
ComFactor: any moron with a iq over 3 would see that
Netto Cash: If I wanted to ddos you, I'd ddos "" right now to make you stfu
ComFactor: i suggest 216.254.*.*
ComFactor: since i own 15 ip
ComFactor: but yes ill stfu for you
ComFactor: *kisses your ass*
ComFactor: be good :-./
Netto Cash: ic
ComFactor: *hug*
Netto Cash: You dumbshit
ComFactor: what
ComFactor: i stfu'ed
Netto Cash: If I ddos'd you, THEN YOUR IP WOULD OF CHNAGED
Netto Cash: (Nick|Segmented|Resolved||To| olved||To|
ComFactor: actually my ip is status
ComFactor: static
ComFactor: take a networking course
ComFactor: static ips dont change til you change them
ComFactor: dynamic ones do
Netto Cash: lies
ComFactor: oh well
ComFactor: you msg me one day on aim and act nice
ComFactor: now i see your true side heh :-\
Netto Cash: I still am
ComFactor: yeah
ComFactor: took #ewr, posted my ip, had sex with my kids im sure, etc
Netto Cash: ...
ComFactor: well your the only goddamn person with a DDOS BOTnetwork on dalnet
Netto Cash: who the fuck here will own you
ComFactor: you told me y ourself!
Netto Cash: lmao
ComFactor: long ago
ComFactor: before i quit iwwf officially
Netto Cash: DALnet is full of people with botnets/routers
ComFactor: funny that you mentioned #iwwf is a ddos channel now
Netto Cash: It is
Tuxedo Mintzs: im sure comatosis never visited #e.l.i.t.e on dalnet
ComFactor: and how you used to take nicks and do shit to dalnet's services
Netto Cash: lol
ComFactor: how come you cant be normal likw 99% of users
Netto Cash: elite on dalnet is highly elite
ComFactor: elite cant even wipe EMP's ass
Tuxedo Mintzs: notice i'm an op on elite
Tuxedo Mintzs: *cough*
Netto Cash: :>
Tuxedo Mintzs: dude
Tuxedo Mintzs: what the fuck
ComFactor: i like Mintzs though
Tuxedo Mintzs: Comatosis is like JHB
Netto Cash: * Segmented has left IRC
ComFactor: hes the only op in iwwf with a clue
Netto Cash: hes went into hiding
Tuxedo Mintzs: They both think they own
ComFactor: i dont own shit
ComFactor: but no one else needs to own shit too
Tuxedo Mintzs: dude
Tuxedo Mintzs: what the fuck
Netto Cash: lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: you just went on and said that "you know a gang from NEW YAWK"
ComFactor: uhm i said NY not YAWK
ComFactor: talk american heh
Netto Cash: remember when everyone use to own Coma in a match by interfering 10,000 times a match
Tuxedo Mintzs: now you're a part of some guy who's "ZOmG ELITEr~ than e.l.i.t.e"
ComFactor: actually fuck usa
ComFactor: netto and got owned back by don's changes? :-)
ComFactor: mintzs im not part of emp
Netto Cash: Interfere is back!
ComFactor: but i knopw where he lives on efnet
Tuxedo Mintzs: ooo
ComFactor: and who hes with
Tuxedo Mintzs: i see
Tuxedo Mintzs: he "lives" on efnet
ComFactor: he used to run foonet's security
Netto Cash: lmao
Netto Cash: lmao
Netto Cash: lmao
ComFactor: he would give backdoor passes out to ddos kiddies
ComFactor: and even abuse foonet himself hehe
ComFactor: i miss the old days of 97 :-\
ComFactor: people had less access to broadband if any
ComFactor: less b/w = less attacks
Netto Cash: not true
ComFactor: what do people see in that shit dudes
ComFactor: uhm it is true
ComFactor: you can't ddos with 28.8
Netto Cash: 600 bots
ComFactor: not enoiugh to ping someone out
Netto Cash: would own
Tuxedo Mintzs: 600 bots all on a 56k
Tuxedo Mintzs: would probably be enough for that day
Netto Cash: attacking 1 56K user
Netto Cash: enough to own
ComFactor: problem: 56K would fail since phone lines time out and your bots die :-)
ComFactor: or whoever's 56K bots
ComFactor: no one even uses modems anymore
ComFactor: except poor people
Tuxedo Mintzs: yeah
Netto Cash: I owned other 56kers with my aol without timing out
Tuxedo Mintzs: a Broadband Modem
Tuxedo Mintzs: noone uses them do they?
Tuxedo Mintzs: what do we do
Tuxedo Mintzs: Live in the internet?
ComFactor: modem as in 56K
Tuxedo Mintzs: you didn't say that
Tuxedo Mintzs: and didn't specify it either
ComFactor: however The Internet Has You sound's good :-)
ComFactor: a matrix spoof lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: The Gaylord Has You
ComFactor: lol thats funny
ComFactor: lobster guy
Netto Cash: lol
ComFactor: heres a rule
ComFactor: which i agreed to long ago
ComFactor: i stay away from iwwf, you stop bugging me, that isnt hard
ComFactor: i dont want anything to do with iwwf, icww, ewe, shitfed, etc
ComFactor: i want to have a life outside irc, work, and friends
ComFactor: iwwf was fun until the shit started
ComFactor: it had potential and i knew that my self
Netto Cash: lol
ComFactor: it still HAS potential if people would get along and stop showing off who has the biggest penis
ComFactor: theres a saying, it takes many people to build something, but one to destroy it
ComFactor: meaning one bad apple spoils the rest
ComFactor: i mean tony keeps telling me hes cool and stuff
ComFactor: maybe he is, maybe he aint
ComFactor: but the past events have me wondering
ComFactor: and also what happened tonight
Netto Cash: You're Paranoid.
ComFactor: i had respect for tony, all respect :-\
ComFactor: *hug*
ComFactor: mintzs has nice hair heh
ComFactor: well in his spiked hair pic
Netto Cash: lol
ComFactor: looks like a guy who can kick ass :-)
Tuxedo Mintzs: Hrm
Tuxedo Mintzs: Fucking weido
Tuxedo Mintzs: Weirdo
Netto Cash: lol.
ComFactor: hehe not weird
ComFactor: just over nice
Tuxedo Mintzs: COMFACTOR
Tuxedo Mintzs: IS
Tuxedo Mintzs: MAD
Tuxedo Mintzs: GHAY
Netto Cash: lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: lol
Tuxedo Mintzs: ghetto
Netto Cash: heh
Tuxedo Mintzs: i lol'ed
Netto Cash: lol
nwa tna has left the room.
ComFactor: i still plan to work on a wrestling bot when i have time off this summer
Tuxedo Mintzs: heh
ComFactor: it will be running on a unannounced network too :-)
ComFactor: no details will be given out
ComFactor: only to true friends
ComFactor: but right now im bombarded with work :-(
ComFactor: that and this fucking flu@$%$%
ComFactor: you guys hate me :-\
Netto Cash: If we hated you, we'd ddos your static ip
Netto Cash: This was quite interesting
Netto Cash: IWWF on AIM
Netto Cash: Segpissed
Netto Cash: Coma is pissed :|
Tuxedo Mintzs: lol
Netto Cash: I'm following him on EFnet :P
Netto Cash: w00t
Tuxedo Mintzs: lol
Netto Cash: Iwwf-jokes has 500 hits :>
Tuxedo Mintzs: nice
Netto Cash: I bet we'll find Coma's ifed
Netto Cash: :P
DaemonX316: later guys
Tuxedo Mintzs: later
Netto Cash: later
DaemonX316 has left the room.
Tuxedo Mintzs has left the room.
ComFactor has left the room.
Netto Cash: Paul
Netto Cash: kick maaki
Netto Cash: later chris

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